By Geneva Verdeja on Wednesday, Jul 18th, 2018
Category: Blog

5 Things to Do Today to Help Your Future

Your primary reason for attending college is to jumpstart your career, of course. But, did you know there are many other things you can do now to help secure your future? Here are just 5 things you can do today that will improve your after-college life:

  1. Be careful with your internet presence. You aren’t thinking about terms like “personal brand” just yet, but you’ll be applying for that first after-college job in just a few short years. In our digital age, employers tend to check out prospective employees’ internet presences to get a feel for what kind of person they might be hiring. Be careful to cultivate the online image you’d be comfortable sharing with your future boss.

  2. Master the art of negotiating. Whether you’re a skilled debater or love to keep a low profile, you need to learn how to negotiate to earn your true worth. And you’ll need to know how to do that as soon as you’re applying for your very first real job. Master the art of negotiating now by practicing on your friends whenever you disagree on something. You can find lots of tips and techniques online; research and then try them. See what works and what will never fly. By the time you graduate, you’ll be better equipped to politely and firmly negotiate for a better salary, benefits package and more!
  1. Stick to a budget. Sure, you’ve got a mountain of student debt to pay off, but that doesn’t mean you should let your budget get out of control. Learn how to stick to a spending plan now, while life is still relatively cheap. Better yet, see if you can cut down on your monthly spending and start paying back your student loan before you’ve graduated.
  1. Sign up for a class that’s not related to your major. Take the time to explore educational pursuits that are not directly related to your chosen major. It’s always a good idea to broaden your knowledge base, and you never know which class or area of study can be super-handy at a later time.

  2. Develop healthy habits. Now that you’re living on your own and responsible for your daily schedule, take the time and effort to establish healthy habits on every level. Find a healthful diet that you can stick to, adapt a responsible sleeping pattern and establish a study and work routine that shows maturity, perseverance and forethought.

Remember: The choices you make today will help to ensure your brighter tomorrow.


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