By Geneva Verdeja on Friday, Feb 1st, 2019
Category: Blog

It's February – Still Working on those Resolutions?

It's February. Are you still working on those New Year's resolutions you were so determined to keep? If you're like most people, you have already given up on trying to exercise more or eat better. I see so many of my family and friends set themselves up to fail by making unrealistic and unattainable resolutions. Then sure enough, come February 1, they have given up. No one likes to fail - it's hard on the spirit and ego.

So, before you beat yourself up too bad about blowing your fresh start, consider making “New Day” resolutions. Here’s how it works: you wake up each morning and choose to make it the best day you can. Start small and set one goal for each day. What do you want to accomplish? Are you trying to save money for something special? Here’s a suggestion - instead of stopping for a cup of gourmet coffee on your way to work today, brew a cup at home and save the $$. Or, brown bag your lunch and skip the fast food drive-thru. Want to get more exercise but cringe at the thought of heading to the gym? Why not take a 15 minute walk on your lunch break just to stretch your legs and get some fresh air instead. Plan B doesn't have to be hard and flexibility is essential.

You could extend the goal as long as you want - five days, 10 days, maybe even a month. Before you know it, you are well on your way to achieving your goal. The beauty is you are tackling it one day at a time and therefore it seems less daunting.

Let’s be honest, changes in habits, behaviors, attitudes, etc., need to happen year-round, not just in the month of January. And attitude is everything in determining if it will be a good day or not. What will you choose today? After all, it's February and the year is still young. Make the most of it.

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