Home shopping? Easy ways to save for a down payment.

Home shopping? Easy ways to save for a down payment.

Are you planning to buy a new home this year? Most likely, you’ll need a down payment. Here’s how to ensure you’re ready to go when you find that dream home…

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The Perks of Resume Builders

Constantly at school I hear about potential employers and faculty explaining just how important resume builders are during the college years. So during my freshman year I decided to check it out and see what exactly is out there; and explore the benefits for students.

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Preventing Tax Return Fraud

Identity theft continues to be a booming business: In 2014, 17.6 million Americans fell victim, and cybercriminals made off with $15.4 billion. And tax refund theft remains a lucrative piece of that business, despite the IRS' efforts to stamp it out.

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Thinking about being an entrepreneur?

Thinking about being an entrepreneur?

This year at MSU, Mankato I signed up to participate in the Integrated Business Experience (IBE) in the College of Business. It is an exclusive program where a limited number of students are selected by faculty to launch and operate their own business and have it count towards college credits. It’s a unique program Mankato offers and that is recognized nationwide as a fabulous course for students to learn what it is like to own their own business. From which, I’ve learned several tips that may prove beneficial to your business ideas.

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