Foods That Improve Your Focus

College student studying

As a college student with dozens of courses to attend, papers to write and tests to cram for, your brain needs to be in full gear at all times. What happens, though, when you’re only 20 minutes into an intense study session and your brain is already fogging up? How can you boost your brain power when you need it most?

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6 Ways To Turn Your Dream Vacation Into A Reality

California Wine Country

Everyone has their own version of a dream vacation. For me, it was a five day trip to California wine country. But, for some people, it never becomes a reality. Read on for six ways to make that dream vacation come true.

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5 Things to Do Today to Help Your Future

Your primary reason for attending college is to jumpstart your career, of course. But, did you know there are many other things you can do now to help secure your future? Here are just 5 things you can do today that will improve your after-college life:

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7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Large Purchase

You’re convinced: You really want that designer handbag. Or maybe you just know that gigantic entertainment center will transform your weekends. So you swipe your card and the dream item becomes yours. And you’re thrilled! That is, until buyer’s remorse hits. You can’t help wondering: Was it really worth the price? Before you say “yes” to a large purchase, ask yourself these 7 questions.

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