Six Tips For Shopping Safely On Black Friday

couple shopping

Plan ahead

Planning ahead means you'll spend less, be out of line faster and decrease your risk of missing out on a great deal. Spend some time browsing your favorite stores online for deals and know where you need to be and when in order to get exactly what you want.

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Keep Your Wallet Insulated From Winter Heating Costs!

cute snowman

Q: Winter’s here! Every time the furnace kicks on, I feel like it’s burning money! How can I keep my house cozy and my heating costs low?

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Dealing With a Financial Setback

computer with dollars bills on keyboard

Financial setbacks come in all shapes and sizes. It can be an expensive household repair, a medical emergency, getting laid off or the birth of a baby. Whatever the situation, it’s impossible to plan for every financial hit you will take in your lifetime. But don’t fret. If you’re hit with hard times, here’s some tips to keep in mind.

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A few tips from your credit union on the Equifax breach

Whenever a breach of Equifax magnitude hits the media, it fosters uncertainty and leaves us wondering how to protect ourselves as consumers. The best practice is simple; be a good steward of your credit and money at all times.

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