Millennials Hit Hardest by Coronavirus Recession

man on bicyle wearing a mask

The coronavirus recession hasn’t been easy on anyone, but millennials may have been hit the hardest. Here’s why the current pandemic has been especially hard 25- to 39-year-olds.

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  1940 Hits

A Helpful Guide to Safe & Comfortable Face Coverings

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Face coverings have become an essential wardrobe component. Here are some helpful tips on how to comfortably wear your face coverings without compromising on safety.

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  2043 Hits

Celebrating Milestones Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

Braide and groom kissing with masks on

As the ongoing coronavirus pandemic continues to disrupt life and cancel plans across the world, people are finding creative ways to celebrate important milestones. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can commemorate life’s happier moments safely.

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  2263 Hits

How to Celebrate Mother’s Day While in Quarantine

Mothere with two young children on lap

Everything looks different now with the coronavirus pandemic impacting every aspect of life, and Mother’s Day is no exception. You can’t take the family out for pizza or treat mom to a meal at her favorite restaurant, but you can still celebrate. Here are some ways you can make this day special for mom, no matter how far apart you may be.

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  1810 Hits