Can Halloween Be Celebrated Safely this Year?

Halloween carved pumpkins

Can Halloween 2020 be celebrated safely in the era of COVID-19? With some precautions, the popular holiday can still be a frightfully fun day for the entire family. Here’s how:

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  1968 Hits

DIY Halloween Decor

Cindy painted pumpkin

Halloween is my absolute FAVORITE holiday of the year! As my family will attest, I go all out decorating for the "spooktacular" day at the end of October. But, as my family will also confirm, I am CHEAP when it comes to spending money. So imagine my delight in finding this great list of creative and cheap DIY Halloween decor ideas to turn your home into the spookiest haunt on the block.

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7 Halloween Hacks You Don't Want to Miss

Halloween pumpkin

Halloween is coming - and so are the scary costs of joining the fun! Yes, all that spookiness comes with a frightening price tag: The average American will spend $169 on Halloween costs this year. Ready to save big? Read on for 7 awesome Halloween hacks.

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  2503 Hits